Algorand and Archax partner for new wave of sophisticated financial products

Archax today announced that it has partnered with leading blockchain provider Algorand to work on new innovative smart financial products that will trade on its FCA regulated exchange. Archax – which last week became the first firm to receive FCA authorisation as a digital securities exchange, VASP, brokerage and custodian – is looking to create a range of bespoke regulated financial products to sit alongside its pipeline of more regular digital security issuances, such as equity, fund and debt instruments.
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planetRE enhances Trusted Transaction Management by embedding Video Conference Recordings under Blockchain

planetRE, the nation's leading enterprise cloud vendor for online real estate announced today of an addition of video collaboration and recording feature using Zoom®, Citrix® and others to its current flagship platform Transact. Video conferencing is run today as a separate tool, decoupled from digital signing or any other online real estate business process. Legacy E-signs are further reduced to mechanized signing on behalf of consumers especially on mobile, with many standing the risk of not fully understanding what they are signing. With loss of face time due to pandemic, consumers more than ever need a collaborative environment with a trusted agent advisor on contracts, compliance and other matters.
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Huobi DeFi Labs Launches Global Alliance to Expand the Decentralized Financial Ecosystem with Cross-Border Collaboration

Huobi DeFi Labs, Huobi Group's newly-formed decentralized finance (DeFi) division, today announced the launch of the Global DeFi Alliance, an international consortium of centralized and decentralized financial service providers and platforms. The alliance was initially joined by Huobi in conjunction with the Maker Foundation, Compound, NEST communities, and dYdX to jointly advance DeFi research and development, promote best practices, and facilitate cross-border collaboration and ecosystem development between East and West.
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Akemona Receives Regulatory Approval as the First Smart Contract-Based Funding Portal on Blockchain

Akemona, a pioneer in digital securities, announced today that it has registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and is now a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) under section 3(h) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the corresponding SEC rules, popularly known as Regulation Crowdfunding. Akemona is the first smart contract-based funding portal to achieve this distinction. Akemona allows qualified businesses to raise funds by offering and selling zero-coupon bonds as digital securities on its platform.
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Secure Cryptophones

In the recent past, various eye-opening revelations have been made about spying by government and private organizations. As a result, there has been a growing interest in how people can keep their communications private. After all, nobody likes to have his or her private conversations being snooped on.
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ePROMIS ERP Secures Top Position in Gartner FrontRunners® ERP Report 2020 by Software Advice

Global business software innovator ePROMIS Solutions Inc., announced today that their ePROMIS ERP software retained the top position in Frontrunners ERP Software Report 2020 by Software Advice, a Gartner Company. This comprehensive software system has been acclaimed as a leading-edge ERP by top research and advisory firms and also listed among the top 20 ERP solutions of 2020 by Capterra. 
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The League of Entropy Launches Production Drand Network, Providing the First Publicly Verifiable Distributed Randomness Beacon

Today a consortium of technology companies and universities launched an upgraded public randomness network. Drand is a distributed randomness beacon that generates verifiable, unpredictable, and unbiasable random numbers as a service available for all. Drand's largest deployment is known as the League of Entropy, and its founding members include Cloudflare, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Kudelski Security, Protocol Labs, and the University of Chile. With the upgraded drand network, the consortium also announced its expanded member list, now also including C4DT, ChainSafe, cLabs, Emerald Onion, Ethereum Foundation, IC3, PTisp, Tierion, and UCL, and a new model of collaborative governance to better protect drand for its users.
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