Cexmo.com: How to find the best exchange rate?

Cexmo.com - Cryptocurrency Exchanger Monitor. Every economically knowledgeable person knows that e-currencies are potential substitutes for cash - this is confirmed by the qualitative evolution of e-currencies over the past decade since their introduction to the market. However, despite the existence of exchanges, users still face inconveniences regarding any of the following transactions: 

  • Converting one crypto to another;

  • Converting digital currencies like PayPal USD, Skrill USD, Perfect Money to other types of electronic currency;

  • Selling Money Gram and Western Union funds for cash;

  • Exchanging cash for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin or any of the popular cryptocurrencies, etc.

These types of transactions face a common difficulty — many exchanges, due to the high demand for such transactions, set prices for currency with high fees in order to maximize their profits, and may also be unavailable or face service disruptions at the right time. Also, because some electronic payment providers restrict their service to users in some jurisdictions, it can be challenging to receive funds via these platforms or convert them to a usable currency.

E-Commerce requires maximum speed of reaction to market changes.Thus, for a single exchange operation, you need to manually bypass more than 40 sites of exchange systems, make calculations and complete the transaction before the exchange rates and currency reserves change significantly.

So our exchanger monitor will help you save two valuable resources - time and money: we aggregates the best real-time e-currency rates that you will find on the main page and provides a one-click connection to the verified exchanger website for your transactions. It offers 300 of the most popular exchange destinations, which means that you are guaranteed to find good deals without having to browse the entire website. 

Always, you can find the best exchange rate for the most popular currencies on our site. Cexmo.com, exchangers monitoring is always at your service.